I am a big fan of weekends. Especially sunny weekends. Especially sunny weekends where we go to the farmers' market, visit friends, accidentally stumble upon a fiber fair, plant a garden, travel to Burley, and visit family. Here's the visual evidence:

I couldn't stop taking pictures of this tree that is in MY FRONT YARD!!!

While running a few errands we happened upon a MASSIVE fiber fair (I say "happened upon" as in, we were driving down the road and I saw a sign that said YARN and then another sign that said FIBER FAIR and I said "There's a Fiber Fair right there!" and N8tr0n turned into the parking lot immediately because that is how well he knows me). I got some beautiful yarn that will be turned into baby gifts post haste.

Z-cakes ran down the hall sniffing every single bag of raw wool because it "SMELLED LIKE SHEEP!" thus dispelling any questions as to whether or not this child is mine.

That afternoon we got to work on the garden.

And planted a few of the plants we picked up at the farmers' market (and a few from Home Depot).

On Sunday I admired the cotton candy clouds on the drive to Burley.

Z-cakes ate her weight in Red Vines and then made a face like a monster from Dr. Who.

And then she ate a giant ice cream cone.
The End.
How was your weekend? Sunny? Rainy? Productive? Relaxing?
What a glorious weekend! We had sunshine, then rain, then sunshine, then rain so the feel of the weekend was confused. We had soccer games and Stake Conference so we really didn't do anything particularly fun.
Fibre, gardening AND ice cream???
Be still, my beating heart.
(I love how N8tron didn't even ask if you wanted to go to the yarn sale... it would seem that you and I have trained our husbands to obey the same commands...ha! Tell me, did yours also hand over his bank card and say: "Just make sure we have enough left over to pay for the groceries"?)
Do you know what kind of tree that is? I've been wondering, as they are quite stunning.
I love the picture of you gardening! And Z's Dr. Who monster face.
And how much do I love that she ran around smelling the wool because it smelled like sheep?
Your weekend looks 100-percent wonderful! I wish that I would stumble on a fiber fair here, and right now I could really do with a giant ice cream cone too (nevermind that it's not even 9:00 a.m. yet).
And lastly, Z-cakes is probably one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen.
So glad you had some good weather to get those beauties in the ground! It has not stopped raining here. I need to get some weeding done!
ps...good call on the marigolds!
It was so fun seeing you and your family this weekend at Marta's sale! That z-cakes of yours is one adorable little girl. I love that she wanted to smell the wool. So stinkin' cute.
p.s. I love Idaho clouds too.
I wish my weekend contained that ice cream cone!
Great photos! I was going to ask what a fiber fair was, so thanks for the explanation. Way better than I first imagined, as in dietary fiber.
That would be really dull. And I LOVE that she ran around smelling what smelled like sheep.
Looks perfect...and I too thought dietary fiber and was confused. Should've known. :) Ha!
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