It'a done! My ruffly scarf is off the sticks, pressed, blocked, and wrapped around my now toasty warm neck.
I love it.
I love it as much as I knew I would. It is the perfect length for wearing around all day. For those of you who were wondering, the yarn is Malabrigo Sock. It is smooth, soft, and basically fabulous. If you've never worked with fingering weight yarn before I think this would be a great yarn to start with...although it is certainly not the cheapest.
I spent a good portion of my weekend on Ravelry trying to decide what to knit next. I get a bit anxious if the time between knitting projects spans too long when I have the urge to knit. It's like when I'm about to finish a book and I get antsy about what I'm going to read the limitless number of options stops me in my tracks. Of course my knitting options are not limitless as I need to make something with yarn I already have in my stash. I'm thinking about some fingerless gloves for friends, but what I really want to knit is the "Just enough ruffles scarf" that is on Ravelry. Michelle has a picture of it here (it's the third one down in pink). To be honest, the name is what hooked me in the first place. "Just enough" of anything sounds about perfect don't you think?
Anyway, to keep my fingers busy I knit up another Meathead hat for a friend in Idaho. For some strange reason I had trouble with the tension so, even though I finished it in one night, I was unhappy with the finished product and frogged the entire thing. The sticks and yarn are now sitting in the corner thinking about what they've done for a while. In the meantime, I've got some baby booties "on the sticks" for a friend whose baby cakes will arrive in February. Brrr...those toesies will need some soft wool.
I'm thinking about putting together a post about knitting resources that I enjoy. Any interest?
We spent the rest of our weekend "hunkering down" as I like to say. We had a nice snow storm on Saturday night and church was cancelled on Sunday. I made a delicious pie from the other dessert cookbook that I've been dying to tell you about (it will happen soon I promise) and we had dinner with friends on both Saturday and Sunday night. The perfect weekend, no?
Happy Monday everyone.

It sounds like a fab weekend truly had! I am desperately jealous of the snow and just looked at your photo longingly (at the snow rather than the scarf -sorry) - it would be so much better than the grey, wet and very windy weather here in England right now.
PS: Did look at scarf too and just love it - a big well done you xx
that scarf is adorable! I would love some knitting resources. I have added some needles to my wish list... I think I'm gonna get started! Can't wait.
that scarf is way cute!! I love it. where did you get the pattern? ravelry?
Perfect weekend for sure.
Your scarf is darling! And it didn't seem to take you very long. And at first, I thought it was the just enough ruffles one. So it must be kind of similar?
Love. Really, Love the scarf. I can't wait to see it in person.
I didn't get out of my sweats or leave my house all weekend. Other then croupy kids, it too was perfect! :)
Very pretty! Scarfs (even thin ones) really do a great job keeping your whole body warm.
My very first project used fingerling yarn, but then I haven't used it since. Go figure.
I bought the pattern at my favorite yarn shop. It's called Churchmouse yarns and it is on Bainbridge Island. They don't have the pattern on Ravelry but they may do mail order.
I haven't read the "just enough" pattern yet. This pattern is knit lengthwise and has a ruffle section, then a straight section, then another ruffle section...does that make sense?
Um, that scarf is to die for. I absolutely love it.
Absolutely love the scarf. Wish I was that crafty with knitting.
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