I spent most of yesterday feeling like I needed an attitude adjustment. :) Soule mama's inspiration this morning is exactly what I needed. Here's 10 things that are making me oh so happy today.
01. Fresh raspberries on my granola. They go together perfectly.
02. Finding back issues of Bon Appetit all over my mom's house.
03. This little girl waking up waaaaaay on the right side of the bed.
04. A new book waiting in the wings while I finish up The Book Thief.
05. Brand new crayons and water-colors for Z-cakes.
06. Folded laundry.
07. Chasing the sun to the playground after days of drizzles and clouds.
08. A surplus of blogs in my head waiting to be written, FINALLY!
09. This cute, easy, and successful(!) skirt refashion from a $3.00 Goodwill skirt.
10. A new t-shirt coming in the mail to match the one Z-cakes got for Christmas.
Ahh...that's much better. It is always so nice to be thankful. What has been making you happy today?

That swing picture is awesome.
I love when kids wake up on the waaay right side of the bed. Don't you just want to snuggle them up?!
I {love} gratitude lists. Really. And this one is no exception. I find that when I'm in a funk, making a gratitude list is exactly what I need.
#1 on my grateful list is that Grant *only* has a broken arm
And somewhere in my top ten is "I'm grateful for new posts from Miranda!"
I really liked Water for Elephants. A friend of mine said the language was too strong, but I don't remember that.
Too bad grandpa's tree isn't there anymore. You could climb up and read.
That's what I used to do. Grandma would bring me cups of milk and a pillow. Wasn't the most comfortable, but I loved it.
i need some raspberries right now. those look incredible. and my mom just loved that Water for Elephants book, even if it is a tad risque. i think it's coming up on my must-read book. i'd love to hear your thoughts on The Book Thief too. happy move-in to you!
Wow the raspberries look amazing! Do you have a recipe for your granola? I would love to make some. Your pictures are all so darling!
Love your photos with this post Miranda, as fabulous as ever!
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