Alana has recently published all of her patterns and made them available at local yarn shops! The printed patterns are so lovely and it is obvious that an incredible amount of time went into designing them. Knitting from a professionally knitted pattern is just so, pleasant. And if you're the kind of knitter I am—which is to say that the ambiance of "I'm curled up in a blanket with some hot chocolate and it is snowing and I'm kitting" what it is really all about—you'll understand what I'm talking about. Reading from one of Alana's patterns is so much nicer than trying to prop your book open with your foot or smooth out the wrinkles from your inkjet printer paper that your toddler got her hands on.
So are you ready to win one of these patterns already? Okay then, let's get to it.
The details:
Alana is kindly offering THREE of her beautiful patterns to THREE lucky Narrating Life Readers! The patterns (which are all perfect for holiday knitting) include:
:: Leave a comment on this blog: What winter accessory are you dying to break out each year?
:: Grab a Handmade Holiday button and post it on your blog/website for an extra entry (please leave another comment letting me know you did so).
:: Comments will close Saturday, November 13th at 10:00 PM MST. The winner will be announced on this post so be sure to check back to see if you've won!
Congratulations: Suburban Prep, Julie@Contemporary Plus, and PAWS! Please email me to claim your prize!
A few more things:
:: Not a knitter? That's okay! These patterns also make perfect gifts for the knitters in your life. Pair it with some fancy yarn and my guess is your friend will be whipping you up a shawl collared cowl in no time.
:: Sometimes...Sometimes, I get to sit down and knit in the middle of the day. Z-cakes is taking a nap, the house is clean, my chores are done, and it's so very quite. On those days I always turn on Alana's podcast to listen to while I knit. I highly recommend them. They are the perfect compliment to that whole "knitting ambiance" thing I talked about earlier.
Good Luck!
Handmade Holiday 2010: A series about making it happen.

I'm not a knitter, though I'm slowly being convinced I should try to be. My sister would be head over heels for these patterns!
I love this time of year, because I get to break out the sweaters!
I am a big time knitter. I have been ever since I started about 8 yrs ago. I love this time of year for I get to wear my hats and also I get to wear the sweaters that I have knit. (I usually give a lot of what I knit away for gifts). I love the cosette pattern so beautiful.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I'm a wannabe knitter, as you very well know. These patterns make me want to get out my needles again.
I have your pretty button on my sidebar.
I have tried, but I am not a knitter, lucky for me I know a few... :)
My favorite winter accessory is probably a toss up between scarfs and boots.
I love to wear my winter boots! I got an awesome pair last year that is just right for wearing with jeans. They even have an extra furry warm top. And are so comfy. And can just slide right on. I think I wore them every day last winter!
I'd love to wear the cowl pattern. I've already had my eyes on it!
I also already posted your button. On Nov 8 I wrote a post about Handmade Holidays and mentioned your blog and button!
Her patterns are really great. I can second everything you've said about them.
I really enjoy wearing my cozy pants and snuggling under a blanket. It's finally cool enough!
I love big, wool coats. I love them SO MUCH that I have three. Living in San Diego, I usually wear each of the three exactly one time each year. Poor me.
I love, love, love it when it gets cold enough outside to wear my winter coats. This year I have this orange tweed coat that I found on sale at the Nordstrom Rack, and I got to wear it yesterday. Love.
Those knitting patterns are seriously wonderful. Love.
Does my HH blog button double count for entries on every giveaway? Because the button is still on my blog!
I'm completely loving this series!!
Hey Mandy, it's Makenna's sister :D She said I had to get on and look at the patterns and they are SO CUTE! I'm a new knitter. Just started this fall and love it.
Love all of her patterns! I already have plans to make Chloe (as you know).
I love it when it's cold enough to wear sweaters and gloves scarves and boots. Sometimes I'm even cold enough to wear my wool coat!
I have just learned to knit so I am looking forward to wearing the warm scarves I made. Thanks for the giveaway!
Don't forget that I still have that button my blog!
Great patterns!
I love the winter because of my lovely boots. Hope it comes soon!
Winter accessory? Im kindof weird........I LOVE mittens!!
I have the perfect person to "gift" it to...I think it would be too complicated for someone who doesnt know how to knit! But, after looking at these, I am sooo tempted!
I love to wear my hats.. winter is the time of year that unruly hair is simply plopped under a warm and lovely hat. Last year I was taken by skating hats and headbands of sorts, so this year I'll have those too.
I love scarves and gloves. Hats - I love to knit them but they never look good on me! They make great gifts though!
I have your button on my blog!
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