But Z-cakes has spring fever.
And she wants to wear a skirt.
Dilemma? Nah.
I just throw on a pair of my most adorable Ankle Biters courtesy of Miss Serin!
And then I put a pair on my arms so that I can wear a T-shirt instead of ANOTHER HOODIE.
Want to win a pair of your own Ankle Biters?
They're all the rage on the playground these days, you know? Even Z-cakes' little boyfriends are sporting them!
Giving away: Two, yes TWO pairs of Serendipity's Ankle Biters.
Please leave a comment on this post. What do you do when you have spring fever? Comments will remain open until Sunday, March 7, at 10:00 PM MST. One winner will be announced the following Monday morning. One entry per person, please. Anonymous comments will be ignored.
Special Discount: Anyone who orders a pair of Ankle Biters this month can mention this blog and get 10% off! A sweet discount on an already fantastic price!
...Thank you Miss Serin, for keeping us warm in handmade...
Good luck and happy Monday everyone!

I asked dear husband what we do when we have spring fever and he said, "We go shopping!" I'd say that's about right. Do I leave my email in this message? Hmm...
mooniebutt at yahoo dot com
PS I absolutely adore Z-Cakes!
I go to Arizona and visit my parents, it gives me the boost I need to get through. I am going next week, cause I've got the fever BAD this year!
I visit the parents down south OR go shopping. Our bank account has serious troubles during the months of january, february and march... :) I know I don't have a little girl... but I do have an adorable little niece that would LOVE these absolutely cute ankle biters.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I go to Las Vegas and Disneyland with my favorite friends and sing Sheryl Crow/Destiny's Child at the top of my lungs out the sunroof down the strip. Duh what else is there to do?
They DO seem like the perfect solution to wanting to wear a skirt before it's warm enough! (Eva is not a big fan of tights.)
When I have spring fever, I am usually torn between going on a cleaning frenzy and hunkering down with some knitting and a good show.
When I have spring fever I bake. And shop at Target. And clean. And organize.
When I get spring fever, I make myself do more homework so that I'll be that much closer to finishing classes and being able to enjoy summer. And I listen to a good song on my iPod. Today, it was "Dig," by Incubus.
I bundle up and go outside. Though spring fresh air is the best...any fresh air feels nice.
They are so cute! My baby girl could always use some more! She sadly only has the ones I have made her.
I am in love with those ankle biters! Oh the adorableness! Spring Fever....usually I start to run. Like actually run outside, and enjoy it...for about two weeks. Then luckily that crazy ambition retreats to the depths of winter where it was previously locked away. LOL!
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