02. I'm dying for spring to get here.
03. DY-ING.
04. N8tr0n made some delicious smoky beef tacos for dinner today.
05. I never finished the laundry on Friday.
06. And I probably won't finish it tomorrow.
07. I keep thinking that I've gotten sick of winter earlier this year.
08. But I bet I feel this way every March 1st.
09. February 28th.
10. That's five times.
11. We went thrift shopping on Friday.
12. Z-cakes found a tambourine.
13. She was holding my hand and walking next to me, and she said "*gasp* I found it!"
14. So I had to get it for her.
15. You know how it is when you find the perfect thing thrift shopping.
16. I have got to take a vacation of Arizona or something.
17. Somewhere with like, the opposite of snow.
18. I've suddenly become obsessed with wallpaper.
19. I found some that Sherwin Williams sells that is easily removed.
20. You know, for renters like us.
21. It is really annoying to be obsessed with wallpaper.
22. Since I made the resolution to play more boardgames, I have played a game every single time N8tr0n has asked.
23. How's that for resolve?
24. I bet it wouldn't cost that much to put wallpaper on that tiny wall in our bathroom.
25. I mean, not that it's the most hideous wallpaper ever.
26. Burgundy et al. had its day.
27. Is it snowing where you are?
28. Can I come visit/live?

Well, since you asked, (#28), the answer, of course, is YES!!!!....and, did I use enough commas to suit your fancy?
It's cold where I live, colder than it's supposed to be. I want a discount on my taxes.
But here's some good news if you didn't already know: daylight savings switch is next week!
sun is shining in Twin today. Please come visit/live!
It's sunny here! We have had very little snow this winter. Come on over. (If you can get through Vail Pass.)
You can come visit me! Unfortunately, I don't have a guest room, but we DO have sunshine, warmth, flowers, and GREEN!
#27: No snow, but no sun either. Overcast, schmovercast. Bah!
#28: You should come visit anyway. There is lots to do here, and even though it's cloudy, the cherry blossoms and rhododendrons are peeking out. Yes, do come for a little jaunt!
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