Happy Monday and thank you so much for all of your kind comments about the shower! Everything about this party was fun from the planning right down to the clean up. I loved having the opportunity to use all of the party ideas I have had brewing in my mind (and queuing in my reader) in one big shebang. Yep, just put all of my party eggs in one big baby shower basket. Now, on to the details.

Obviously, the table was inspired by my new BFF, Amy Atlas. When Sarah suggested the Tiffany blue/tangerine color combo I brought out the table cloth you see above. It was actually just a few yards of fabric that I had purchased five years ago and had yet to use. It fit her table perfectly! Clearly it was fate.
I made the orange bunting that you can see at the top of the picture and the bunting on the back wall was borrowed from my friend Denise (look familiar, Michelle?). I asked if I could borrow it so I would have an example to work from only to find that it was the perfect color! Again, fate was on our side...and I was not about to deny fate the perfect shower color scheme.
I made the orange bunting that you can see at the top of the picture and the bunting on the back wall was borrowed from my friend Denise (look familiar, Michelle?). I asked if I could borrow it so I would have an example to work from only to find that it was the perfect color! Again, fate was on our side...and I was not about to deny fate the perfect shower color scheme.
I have no idea why I didn't take a better picture of those sandwiches that are peeking out from behind the cupcakes. Those sandwiches have been aptly named "shower sandwiches" (said with a reverent, hushed voice) and I feel quite sure that I will never throw a shower without them. I'll be giving you all the recipe...because I love you that much.
Orange Ginger Cupcakes. These were part of my "experimental baking." I did some heavy altering of the recipe to get these babies to work at high altitude. It was totally worth it for such a distinct flavor.
Fruit skewers with some gorgeous Driscoll's strawberries. I also failed to take a picture of the lemon curd we dipped this fruit in which is a cryin' shame. I'll be sharing my lemon curd recipe too. As if you did not have enough reasons to love lemons.
Homemade marshmallows. Have you made them before? They're so satisfying to make and look so delicate stacked on a pretty plate.
Lemon Squares. Thank you, Amanda. These creamy lemon squares were the perfect complement to the rest of the food. I was lucky enough to come home with some of these leftover and am eating one right now. You wish you were me.
I made French Macarons because it is a definite possibility that I am certifiably insane. And because I love my friend, Rachel. The filling is real buttercream + lemon curd. Although I've never eaten an actual Macaron from an actual French bakery (I know...I am ashamed), these were as delicious as I had hoped they would be and made for a dang pretty picture at that.
All of my favorite sodas and paper straws made up the drink station.
It was so fun to meet Rachel's friends from high school, previous jobs, and nursing school.
Rachel with her sister, Amanda, and mom, Susan.
In lieu of games, I provided materials for everyone to make a little handmade gift for Rachel's little bambino. The iron-on onesies were a hit. As you can see, these girls are deep in creative concentration. It was so nice to be able to supply Rachel with a sizable stack of cute onesies for her little man through his first year.
Showing off their onesies.
Rachel got a lot of thoughtful and adorable gifts.
And finally, the party favors. Everybody left the house carrying a little bag of this caramel deliciousness. Similar to caramel corn, only without the annoying hulls that get stuck in your teeth.
The shower was a smashing success, if I do say so myself.
Thank you so much to everybody who came and made the day so wonderful. Sarah, thank you for lending your expertise, and your house. Seriously, when I grow up and have my dream home, it will look exactly like yours.
I'll be posting recipes for most of the things we had at the shower throughout the day tomorrow. If there is something that you're in a panic over because you must have the recipe, please let me know.
Thank you so much to everybody who came and made the day so wonderful. Sarah, thank you for lending your expertise, and your house. Seriously, when I grow up and have my dream home, it will look exactly like yours.
I'll be posting recipes for most of the things we had at the shower throughout the day tomorrow. If there is something that you're in a panic over because you must have the recipe, please let me know.

That looks awesome! Will you plan my next party?
Holy Cannoli! Look like a fantastic party! Such pretty pictures!
Everything is gorgeous!! Including your macarons, brave girl.
Oh, good grief! Too cute. I'm in awe.
With that awesome of a set up, how could it have not been a "smashing success" It looks absolutely amazing! :D
Oh. My. GOODNESS. Serious eye candy. You did a fantastic job!!!
Oh my goodness. I wish I could have been there. It looks like so much fun.
Now I need all your recipes. Now. Please? :)
Amazing! I would get pregnant just to have that shower! The bunting is killing me with cuteness.
Holy freaking cow, that's gorgeous. :) Someday I'll be that awesome, someday.... :)
Oh, man. Love. I can't wait to read descriptions. Awesome job!
So Stinkin' CUTE!! Totally gorgeous, which I could've been there!
Oooh la la! I love all the little details and think you are brilliant brilliant brilliant! (And I think it is even better than Amy Atlas.) Mandy, you're amazing!
Holy crap, everything looks so beautiful! Perhaps you missed your calling as a party planner. All the little details are wonderful, and the colors are great, and dude, the fabric bunting! Fabulous. You're my hero.
Also, you made macarons! How were they? How hard was it to make?
I was going to suggest those tissue paper pom poms. So happy to see that I was on your wavelength!
Everything looks picture perfect! And it looks even more delicious. Great job!
GIRL. You should go into business.
Love it! Like REALLY, REALLY love it.
I've been in love with tissue paper pom poms lately. We made a zillion billion for New Begginings and I've been making them ever sense. Aren't they fun.
I'm in pain over that drink station--coordinating beverages! Too cute. Everything looks beautiful, and the FOOD---oh my! You've out-done yourself, girl.
Can you please tell us how you made/set up the onesie making!? I'd love to do this for my sister's shower. Now those are some cute onesies! Thanks!
Why yes, I did recognize that party banner! And it was cuter than I remembered.
I love the idea of the guests making cute onesies for the new mom. I have never been a fan of party games.
Again, your macarons are stunning and I am a HUGE fan of lemon curd. Huge.
You are one very talented lady and I should fly you to England for any party I or any friends have in the future! (Sigh... if only I could!) It looked absolutely stunning Miranda xx
your friend is a lucky girl. stunning! i love that it is coordinated but not pretentious. :D
I love this. You did a fab job. I love the idea of the onesies and the food looks great.
wowza. seriously the cutest party i've seen in a long time. you thought of everything. am saving this for a later date. xo.
awesome shower, and I love the idea of making onesies rather than lame games!
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