Here are a few of today's headlines:
Toddler Discovers New Favorite Game—Z-cakes has fallen head over sidewalk chalk for hopscotch. I think she learned about it from Curious George. Every time the sun comes out I hear "Gasp! Should we go play hopscotch mommy?"
Indecisive Woman Chooses Paint Color—We completely repainted our bedroom. The color is Sherwin Williams: Intellectual Gray (I agree with you DW, who names these colors?). I'll share pictures soon but you should know that I am completely in love.
Baby Chicken Probably Going To Make It—One of our little chickies wasn't thriving like the rest of them last week. She was sleepy, listless, and not eating very much. I was worried that she wasn't going to make it but she seems to have pulled through. She's much smaller than the other chicks but I think she'll (probably) make it. I suppose somebody has to be on the bottom of the pecking order, right?
Forecast Calls For Rain and Wind Until You Die—this is my interpretation of the forecast. The weatherman didn't actually say that. He just might as well have.
Local Blogger Declares Rodeos are Still the Awesomest—We went to the rodeo with our family last week. I LOVE the rodeo (Kim agrees), I LOVE a dirt filled arena, and I LOVE hearing Z-cakes yell, "Hold on tight!" and "Ride the buckin' horse!" I also love seeing Z-cakes eat a GIANT popscicle and then immediately ask for another.
There. Now you're all caught up on the happenings of my life. Feel free to move on to the New York Times headline feed to read about things that actually matter.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Oh my, I forgot it was the 12th. Thanks for the reminder. And hopstoch is worlds better than another boat/fishing trip, right? :)
Oh my goodness. I forgot too!! I'm pulling out my camera now that 1/2 the day is over.
I can't believe you posted headlines! I've been composing a post just like this in my head for months. Love it.
"...wind and rain until you die." my thoughts exactly.
Rodeos are the best! Did you get to see the bull riding? My fave.
I have ridden a bucking horse. Twice. I held on tight.
i LOVED this post! you never cease to amaze me with your creativity.
I totally had a dream last night about you and chickens and Redfish. Random, yes I know.
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