***I had grand plans to blog this week. Lists of things I am thankful for, an ode to pie, and details about my latest projects. But somehow...I never found the time. I'm hoping this festive turkey picture will suffice. Isn't my dad clever?
I hope you are all happy, healthy, and sufficiently stuffing yourselves in the presence of those you love.
Much love,

Here's to hoping you and Erica survived the Turkey Trot! Loves.
Your dad made this? How cute to turn a pile of hay into a work of art that adds smiles to everyone who drives past. That's sharing the joy of Thanksgiving!
Happy and healthy, yes. With loved ones. But I sure did miss the traditional Thanksgiving feast!
oh my heavens. that is SOOOO awesome. I wish I would have seen it in person while i was in burley this weekend.
Glad to see that you know Hannah too!
Your turkey picture is great! I wonder if it is still up, we should drive by to see it.
Tell your folks hi from us!
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