realizing that getting my full-time blog on after an extended break is like, way hard.
recovering from a lovely/sudden/perfect trip to visit some friends. Specifically this one, this one, this one, and this one (who also happens to be my cousin).
enjoying the sounds of thunder outside and chirping chicks inside.
lusting after this pan
that Marc used while he was teaching me to make crepes on Monday. I have enough room in my cupboards for more pans, right?
obsessing over muffins. I must make muffins. Many muffins. Do you have a favorite recipe I should try?
wondering what to make for dinner this week. The only thing that sounds good is vegetables. And crepes. And muffins.
wishing that someone would re-design my header. Any takers? For reals. Pretty please?
listening to this podcast. Are you a regular listener? You should be. Well, if you like eating food then you should be. Matthew and Molly are hilarious and charming and 100% to blame for my muffin obsession.
researching this square foot gardening thing. Should I go all in with the special non-dirt soil and everything? Or should we just put some dirt in the box and call it good?
waiting for the supposed amazing weather that Saturday will bring.
hoping that one of our trees outside is going to bring an explosion of pink flowers.
admiring the lamps I found for my bedroom. They're not the right color and I had planned on painting them yellow or turquoise. But they are such a gorgeous green I'm not sure I can bear to paint them. Conundrum.
plotting how I can rearrange my freezer to fit all of the muffins I'm about to go bake.
looking for my ability to make decisions. Have you seen it? Could you please check under your couch?
thinking I should wrap this up and bake some muffins.
thanking you for being rad. Your comments and emails mean so much to me. Thank you thank you.

Thanks for letting us come admire your little chicks! At lunch, Hailey included the baby chicks in her prayer :) It was also incredibly nice to talk with you. Thanks!
I am so glad you came to visit! So very glad.
I just subscribed to the podcast.
I love muffins, too. I usually make the banana chocolate chip ones from an old Bon Appétit recipe.
Lady, you know I'll help you with your header. Anytime. Email me.
Hi! I'm with the banana chocolate chip muffins too!
and I would love to make a new header for you :)
check your email :) Just sent you my very favorite muffin recipe of all time.
omg. i have the exact same lamp in my bedroom!!
It was wonderful to visit with you too! I'm bummed that those divine lamps aren't the right color.
I saw those lamps at Target and thought they were way cute, too!
And--just thought you should know that I live vicariously through you as a stay-at-home mom, since I can no longer call myself one.
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